For the Nobel, times they are a changin’
I feel a change comin’ on
And the last part of the day’s already gone
Bob Dylan has been given the Nobel Prize for Literature. Although some of the younger generations might now google search and find out who Bob Dylan is, I am fortunate enough (thanks to my parents!) to grow up listening to his music along with the usual vernacular ones.
This news has polarized the audience in social media. One one side we have the traditionalists who although not denying the contribution of Dylan in redefining music, say that his lyrics can’t be seen as ‘Literature’ per say as they are not the same as words written in books. On the other side are the ones who claim this was well deserved because, writing lyrics is also considered ‘Writing’ in some form or the other and Dylan’s lyrics are not only moving but also gave voice to a whole generation.
I am clearing my stand here. I am extremely happy that Dylan got the Nobel. He is a passionate, realistic and enigmatic artist. His music at times helped me overcome problems in my own life. His music changes lives and I am living example. But I will tackle this debate as to whether he deserves the prize or not in another angle.
Anyone remember the days when the Nobel Prize used hold some degree of respect and importance? Because in recent years, the committee or group who decides who merits the Nobel made a joke of the whole event by doling out Peace prizes for fun. First, Barack Obama when he just started his presidential term and recently in 2016, Juan Manuel Santos just after the failed referendum in Colombia.
Also in a recent New York Times opinion article by Gabriel Popkin, he said that the Nobel Prize needs to be updated as many discoveries especially in science has been ignored by the committee. Such opinions paint a bad picture on the Nobel, which is prescribed to be the highest accolade on this planet.
Bob Dylan’s Nobel brings with a freshness which breaks the stagnation plaguing the whole system. It will help change people’s perspective towards the prize who at the moment ridicule the Nobel. The traditionalists give examples of people who won the Nobel prize for Literature before, to signify the fact as to why Dylan doesn’t fit in the same category. I say, that is the very reason why Dylan deserves Nobel even more.
This shows that the Nobel committee are broadening their horizons regarding things such a literature and music. Literature, now is not only restricted to novels; they cover a large variety, a trait which the traditionalists should welcome rather than oppose. The times are changing, and in order to move forward we need to break the conservative shackles and try to think in newer and more unique ways.
The best part about awarding Bob Dylan the Nobel is that, there are positives on both ends. One on side a deserving candidate wins the prize. On the other, the Nobel committee did themselves a favor and can regain their lost image.